Wednesday 1 April 2009

My first layout callahan.

This evening I finally did it.

So many times I have been guarding the dump, standing 45 degrees away from the dump up field, eyes half downfield, half on the thrower and half on the dump. I watch the thrower and think - if he throws the dump I could make a bid on the pass. The dump pass is thrown and for a brief second I think "Oh, I could have got that". But it don't leave my feet and the pass is completed.

This time I didn't think. I remember positioning myself at 45 degrees and thinking if he throws it I'll go, and the next moment I was in the air. Then the disc was in my hand. Then I landed in the endzone. Then I got up and, just like Matt Dowle would, I strolled nonchalantly towards the sideline, gave a few low fives and left the field to cheer on my team for the next point. Sweet.

On the drive home all I had to do was think of that moment and a smile came to my face.

My first layout callahan. Now the key is to make sure it's not my last.


Matt Hill said...

What were you doing marking handlers? Must have been mixed.

Anonymous said...

"Eyes half on the thrower, half downfield, half on the dump." You usually do give 150% Rueben

phoenexius said...

I had my first layout callahan this past week!