Friday 23 April 2010

Natural Fowards

Just about to head of to Adelaide for the National Championships, but I red this in the paper and thought it was worth taking note of:

A natural forward's greatest asset is his ability to read the play. He anticipates where the ball will go. He puts his body to the advantage side of his opponent, and he times his leads into available space. The natural forward will draw his opponent to the ball and then double back into the created space behind. The natural forward will be aware of who and what is around him and use it to advantage.

Dumb forwards lead too early and to the wrong spots. They don't understand what the strengths and weaknesses are of the teammates ahead of them. They don't continually prowl their forward line looking to wrongfoot their opponent and they can't read the play two and three steps ahead as it unfolds.

Robert Walls - The Age

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